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An old legend shared by one of my predecessors warns about the dangers of the Flame ambers and how ten thousand of them could destroy an entire city. The Stygian Order was secretly collecting those ambers for the past years and decided to put the legend in practice. They've hidden thousands of explosive traps around Kugnae, Buya, and Nagnang and are planning to use them soon. Now Fortunately, King M'hul was determined with finding what the villainous order was doing in the kingdoms. He put one of his most skilled operatives to investigate the recent invasion of stygian acolytes and she was able to discover the truth. Hye Ap has now arrived at the Koguryo Palace Courtyard to share her alarming findings. The kingdoms are in danger! Will you help disarm all the Flame amber traps before they go off? - Yondung - Spirit Guide | |